
ROKI commenced 2024 with a resounding success upon the release of her single, “Foolish Heart.” This captivating track unveiled a darker, more introspective facet of her pop sensibilities, delving into the intricate interplay between emotions and logic. The accompanying music video, inspired by prey and predator, swiftly garnered over 180,000 views on YouTube within the initial month of its release.

Since her emergence onto the alternative pop music scene in 2022 with her debut album, MOTHER, ROKI’s musical resonance has reverberated across numerous North American city radio charts, while her music videos have amassed hundreds of thousands of views.

Following her debut success, she unveiled her sophomore album, LOVABLE. Critics hailed it as an “emotionally profound surrender to the preservation of love,” underscoring ROKI’s remarkable ability to infuse her music with both depth and energy.

Her next single “The Fall”, scheduled for release June 18, 2024, promises an honest and heartfelt perspective on human existence amidst today’s complex social climate.

Continuing to carve her niche in the alternative pop landscape, ROKI stands poised at the vanguard of a new wave of artists who are redefining the boundaries of contemporary music.




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