

Havelin (Alex Zaichkowski) is an acclaimed (unofficially) singer-songwriter (allegedly) whose passion for music began at a young age and will continue until his untimely demise (which will likely come at the hands of some great warrior or foul beast… or, more likely, slipping on a banana peel).

Alberta-born Zaichkowski has been described as “a real pleasure” to listen to by Shania Twain one time (a thing which actually happened, there’s proof). His songs weave rich narratives into pleasant melodies, while his storytelling strives to unpack complex emotions in a way that is both uniquely personal and heart-wrenchingly universal.

His upcoming record “Who Among Us…” (release date TBA) deals with themes of life, death, love, heartbreak, and identity. It’s a tribute to feeling intensely and embracing the strangeness and beauty this world has to offer.




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